Good Sunday, Sixers!

In case you missed the news earlier this week, YES, there will be a sequel to WANT! Tentatively titled NEED, it picks up two months after the end of WANT and is told from Isaac’s POV. That makes it an adult novel, not upper-YA, and it releases in May from Inkspell Publishing.

So all those excerpts I’ve posted with redacted names? Yep, they were from NEED. And now that the cat’s out of the bag, I can post the character names AND bring you some of the smuttier stuff. So let’s get to it!

These six come from near the beginning of the novel, when Isaac sees 17-year-old Juli (his former student) with Dave (his former best friend) outside the church he’s gotten kicked out of for sleeping with a minor.

He raises their clasped hands and kisses her long, graceful fingers.

I remember those fingers. They were strong and unbending when she grabbed a fistful of my hair. Then they were soft, tentative when she first began exploring my bare back and shoulders. They trembled the first time she took me in her hand. My eyes slide closed and for a moment, I’m there again in her piano studio, my hands on the backs of her white thighs while she straddled me on the love seat.

I can’t even tell you how fun it is to write from a 28-year-old guy’s POV. The raunch level rises exponentially. πŸ™‚

Today I’m in the Big Easy doing some holiday shopping so I’ll be a little late making the rounds, but I promise to leave feedback and I’d sure appreciate yours!

Have a great week!